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“Periodontal disease” refers to a specific disease of the gums, which may or may not be related to other diseases in the teeth.  Estimates are that at least 30% of people have periodontal disease, and many of them may not even know they have a condition!

For those who do seek a dentist’s help with their periodontal illness, gum surgery is one of the most frequent solutions.  A dentist can repair or even entirely rebuild a patient’s gums, while also offering treatment for any infections that may have set in. Periodontal surgery can have extended and difficult recovery in some cases.

It depends greatly on the type of surgery being done, but let’s look at an overview.

What You Should Know About Periodontal Surgery Recovery

There are many types of gum surgery, and recovery times can range from a day or two, to potentially a couple months.  Fortunately, the latter is becoming increasingly rare. Full skin-graft surgery is becoming less common because better techniques like pinhole gum surgery are replacing it.

However, whenever your gums are operated on, there will be some lingering pain and discomfort.  In addition, you may have to make some basic lifestyle adjustments during your recovery.  These include:

Brushing\Flossing: You will not be able to brush or floss in the affected area until it’s fully healed, for obvious reasons.  Your dentist will be able to provide you with alternatives, such as super-strong mouthwash which avoids doing any damage to the recovering gums.

BleedingA small amount of bleeding from the areas which were operated on is common.  However, it should clear up within a couple days.  If the bleeding continues, you’ll want to contact your dentist as it would mean the operated area isn’t healing properly.

Eating: You’ll be on a restricted diet during the early part of your recovery, for anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks.  To avoid putting any undue stress on the wounds, you’ll want to stick to soft foods such as Jell-O, yogurt, cottage cheese, or pasta.

Smoking: If you are a smoker, you must give it up after surgery or you will cause a lot of problems in your recovery.  On the plus side, you’ll quit long enough to kick the habit for good!

Dr. Mistry Dentistry

If you need gum surgery, Dr. Mistry Dentistry is here to help.  Contact us to make an appointment.

Author Dr. Mistry Dentistry

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